Leadership Development

Help your leaders change their habits, behaviour and results.

“Most psychologists agree that what differentiates leaders is not so much their philosophy of leadership, their personality, or their style of management. Rather, it’s their internal “action logic”—how they interpret their surroundings and react when their power or safety is challenged. “

– William Torbert

Our leadership programmes have been forged in some of the largest and most challenging organisations in the world. We have gained a reputation for creating liberating, life-changing leadership programmes that are focused on concrete, measurable, behaviour change.

We have been pioneers and champions of Adult or Vertical Development, the set of ideas that leadership and working in complexity requires mindset change not just skill change. It’s not just about adding more apps to your phone, it’s about changing your operating system. Developed by Robert Kegan of Harvard University Adult Development is about how leaders “make meaning” in the world by building awareness of their drivers to establish which ones are healthy and which ones are not. We take a group of leaders and help them bond into a supporting group that help each other take on the identity and mindset of leadership by helping each other find their “leadership edges.” We help them build awareness of healthy and unhealthy assumptions, bias and schema. Finally, we help them create a set of leadership values, tools and techniques to manage emotions to develop a high performing team.

Our programmes usually work like this:

Diagnostic. Launch. Precourse. Commitment.

Introduction/Lumina Spark walk through (half-day) understand their psychometric profiles understanding the four colours, 8 aspects, 24 qualities and 3 personas as well as overextensions, amplifications and hidden treasures. Experiments

Post programme nudging

Carry out “safe experiments” (eg have a courageous conversation, influence upwards, change the team meetings, be vulnerable, Decision Rights etc.)

  • Post those experiments on a portal
  • Nudge technology to help them committed
  • Work on their Journal and mindfulness
  • Client internal facilitator work on action-learning sets
  • “Front porch” regular opportunities to check in with Talking Ape facilitators

Leadership identity – being accountable for leadership, managing your emotions and working out “Why am I worth following?” We look at “triggers” and “edges” and techniques for managing emotions as well as leadership styles and courageous conversations. Experiments

Post programme nudging

Influencing and Motivation – understanding how to prepare to influence, the influence styles (linked to Lumina) and flexing your influencing style. With motivation we look at performance management, our own motivation model and “identities.”

Post programme nudging and experiments

One-to-one executive coaching using Lumina Coach an online tool that helps you explore your key qualities, overextensions and build goal setting around key objectives.

Understanding how to create and maintain a high performing team with Psychological Safety, Team Dynamics, Situational Leadership, Delegation and Resilience

Post programme nudging and experiments

From leadership presence to storytelling – how to get your message across whether it’s by email or presentations.

Post programme nudging and experiments

The participants are encouraged to work together to change a process or improve the culture of the organisation. We encourage the group to work together to select their project as they will be the future leaders of the organisation. The project is as much about learning to collaborate, working together and leading in complexity, as it is about the outcome.

Proof of learning – reflective journal

A focused accreditation process as part of behaviour change. Challenging the participants to keep to their commitment, submitting experiments and writing a 600-word essay on what behaviour has changed and how they experienced collaboration on the Project.

Follow up resources

Talking Ape

“The course was great. I came out of the course feeling much more confident in my abilities as a leader and felt I had grown on the course. I thought the aspects of looking at yourself as a leader and your colour was fascinating and where I need to flex. I felt I really understood myself as a leader much better and found clear areas for development.”

Talking Ape

“This was quite the best course I have ever done. I cannot praise it highly enough. James is a wonderful teacher/coach with a very diplomatic insight/input. I feel we all learned a lot from him and each other.”

– Senior Manager Wellcome Sanger Institute

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